५ चैत्र २०८१, मंगलबार | March 18, 2025

US foreign policy that is failed to rise above the cold war mentality 

On July 21, the United States ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston for 72 hours. It was an order in the diplomatic history of the world to close the diplomatic center (Consulate office) of any guest country by host country. In fact, it was a one-sided political provocation by the United States. The US action was a violation of international law, the Vienna Convention which regulates international relations, and bilateral consular relations.

The US behavior was both accidental and disgraceful to China, which is the world’s second-largest economy, unprecedented in science and technology, and even influential in military power; the US behavior was both accidental and disgraceful. Therefore, China immediately condemned the provocative actions of the United States and warned of retaliatory action. China has given 72 hours to close the US Consulate in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province.

Within 72 hours, China closed its embassy in Houston. Soon after, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents searched the Chinese consulate and they arrested a Chinese scientist.

However, China’s behavior in Chengdu was not like that of the United States in Houston. Chinese officials also supported the removal of the American flag and emblem from the consulate. Thousands of Chinese citizens gathered outside the embassy to watch the scene because the American center, established in 1985, was officially closing. Chinese citizens have always wanted to remember this rare diplomatic event in their lives. While lowering the American flag, Chinese citizens hoisted the national flag. But, they said goodbye to the Americans working in the Center with due respect.

Chengdu’s consulate office was very important to the United States. That center was responsible for fulfilling American interests in Yunnan, Tibet, and Xinjiang. As part of a plan to destabilize China, the United States is reported to have conducting activities in the name of the Tibet and Xinjiang. The Consular at Chengdu, had been the first diplomatic cable to reach the US Embassy in Beijing.  Therefore, it is certain that the piercing center for the United States will always be missed.

The United States, on the other hand, conducted military drilling with two of its warships in the South China Sea. This was another US plan for provocative action against China. That was the use of the so-called ‘Freedom of Navigation’ of the United States against the Nine Dash Line that China has been claiming in the South China Sea. In order to control China’s growing influence in the Asia-Pacific region, the United States has to control China in the South China Sea.

Similarly, interfering in China’s sovereignty and internal affairs, the US intervened in Hong Kong. It is investing billions of dollars to make Taiwan independent. The United States has been investing billions of dollars since last 50 years to destabilize Tibet and Xinjiang within mainland China.

Research centers at the American universities are now dominated by FBI agents. The United States has accused Chinese students of stealing intellectual property. As humiliation, intimidation, assaults, arrests for fake espionage, and control of private equipment become common, the educational destination of Chinese students is certain to be diverted to other places. As a result, not China but the American universities will be in financial losses.

Recently, China’s growing technological development and the pursuit of the goal of Made in China-2025, China’s giant companies have even overcome the American company in business. Recently, Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba and WeChat’s parent company Tencent have entered the top 10 companies in the world. The total capital of Alibaba and Tencent is much higher than Facebook.

This development of China has become a thorn to Donald Trump, who became the US President with the policy ‘America first’. For the United States, which has been influencing the world alone, it was natural to have a headache when China moves forward at an alternative and competitive pace. Therefore, the United States is carrying out all kinds of natural and unnatural activities to stop China.


Attempts to stop China
China’s rise as the world’s second-largest power has not been endurable in the West. Therefore, at this time, the US government is unfairly attacking not only China’s development but also its social order. The coronavirus first noticed in China. However, the origin of the virus is still shrouded in mystery. Even US government health officials and scientists are uncertain and carrying out the investigation on this regard.

However, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have repeatedly attacked China in the name of Corona. They still say ‘Chinese virus’ and ‘Wuhan virus’. When the country’s president and foreign minister try to influence diplomacy beyond the normal political culture, then it seems natural for the relationship to rupture. The same is happening between the US and China.

The United States has great fears right now about the thousands of Chinese students who study at American universities. The Chinese students, who are an important source of income for American universities, are becoming reluctant to study in the United States because of the American humiliation. Research centers at American universities are now dominated by FBI agents.

The United States has accused Chinese students of stealing intellectual property. As humiliation, intimidation, assaults, arrests for fake espionage, and control of private equipment become commonplace, the educational destination of Chinese students is certain to end. Thus, American universities, not China, will be in financial trouble.

The attack on Chinese telecommunications company Huawei has continued since 2018 and is going on until today. The United States has been pushing for a global ban on Huawei devices. The United States, which has already domination on the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and Australia (5-Eye), is increasing pressure on the European Union. It is also putting pressure on other Asian, South American and African countries.

On the other hand, China is committed to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. There is no intrusion or interference in the genes and traditions of China’s foreign policy. Chinese missions in the United States appear to be dedicated to expanding political connects and healthy business ties. Allegations of so-called espionage by the United States are just a link among various attempts to stop China’s progress.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart last week that the US’s enraging activities were trying to start a new Cold War. Foreign Minister Wang also called on other countries to speak out against the US Cold War mentality. However, China still seems to be trying to establish relations with the United States on the basis of equality.


Trump’s Failure


President Trump, who has been behaving unscrupulously since he became president, has failed in his foreign policy. Trump has turned down hundreds of his advisers till the date. His former advisers are telling him how the White House is running. The US, which had accused Russia of meddling in the presidential election in 2016. Similarly, it has been making charges against China. How can a foreign country interfere in the most powerful country in the world? Either American politicians are influenced with China or Russia and they do whatever China and Russia say for. Otherwise, how can there be interference?

In the four years’ period neither Russia’s involvement has been confirmed, nor will be China’s. This could be nothing more than soft-witted accusation after their empire was weakening. However, in the run-up to the presidential election, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are pursuing a strategy of fanning the flames against China. Trump hopes the more he condemns China, the more votes he could get.

Looking at America’s arrangements, it seems that it is preparing for a new Cold War. Trump believes that the tougher the stand against Beijing, the more far-right whites will vote in the upcoming presidential election. Trump, who drove a trade deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping just a few months ago, now spends time denigrating and slandering Beijing everywhere.

Philip Stephens, a diplomatic analyst at the Financial Times, says, “… because the United States wants to turn its allies against China.” What better way to do that than to compare the West’s resolve to defeat Soviet communism? But this comparison is as indifferent to history as it is to geopolitics today.”

In his first term, President Trump was the most criticized in the country, with the exception of radical whites. Violent demonstrations within the United States over the past few months show just how bad American society has degenerated. Last year, US foreign policy makers, who hailed Hong Kong’s violent protests as an ‘unprecedented movement for democracy’; however, called the domestic justice movement in the parts of US as a ‘terrorist act’. Even the demonstrations instigated by the communists and the leftists.

China will also defend its sovereignty and geographical integrity, its legitimate right to development, and its self-respect and for better recognition in the world. For the Chinese people have worked very hard to get it.

US former President Barack Obama has condemned the Trump administration over the steps it has taken against immigrants and foreign students. In an interview with CNN, Obama said, “The Trump administration has not allowed immigrants and students in the United States to speak out through peaceful demonstrations, intimidating and daunting them.”

In other words, US policymakers and administrations have become increasingly unresponsive to the rights of their citizens. So, President Trump’s foreign image has never been better and even his allies have constantly criticized him. Even foreign partners who have lost their trade due to undue pressure from the Trump administration, such as the trade war, are worried about the US-led strategy. However, following in the footsteps of the United States is a sad reality in their foreign policy.


Irresponsive Behavior

China and the United States are the countries with different social systems. The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. Despite being a developing country, China has the world’s second largest economy. The tension between the two countries is putting the world in crisis. The good of the United States, China and the rest of the world lies in moving forward as a friendly rival and trading partner, not as an enemy of the two countries. However, the US wants to suppress and keep China under its control anyway. This is the root of the problem.

Chinese Ambassador to Nepal Hou Yanqi, giving an interview to a daily newspaper of Nepal, said the two countries (US and China) should respect each other. Ambassador Hou said that China and the United States have the responsibility of world peace and development on their shoulders.

“History has taught us that both China and the United States benefit from cooperation and loss from conflict,” she said. However, Ambassador Hou cleared by adding, “China will also defend its sovereignty and geographical integrity, its legitimate rights to development, its self-respect and its reverential position in the world. The Chinese people have worked very hard to earn it.”

The Chinese people have made great sacrifices to overcome the crisis of history. Today, all forms of poverty are being eradicated from China. Economists and development makers around the world are amazed at China’s progress towards poverty alleviation by 2020.

No one can deny China’s progress and prosperity now. China is advancing the concept of multilateral openness with all countries of the world to share experiences while making its progress and prosperity sustainable and long-term. However, as soon as Donald Trump became the President of the United States, he brought ‘America first’ policy. Tensions between the US and China start right here. Because, while developing the economy and technology of the world’s largest country, it is natural that culture and philosophy should also be widespread. The ignorance of the US administration towards the Chinese, which has been claiming a monopoly role in the world till now, is reflected through Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Clearly, he wants to unite the entire Western world against Beijing.

According to Philip Stephens, a diplomatic analyst at the Financial Times, Pompeo has slammed former President Richard Nixon’s policy of ‘openness’ towards China, predicting “the future of communist China and the future of a free world.” But Americans need to understand the fact that if they have the wrong mentality to see China, it would lead to their failure.

प्रकाशित मिति : १८ श्रावण २०७७, आइतबार  ९ : १५ बजे

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